“Os Dez Mandamentos” (Moses and the Ten Commandments) is a Brazilian prime-time biblical telenovela produced and broadcasted by RecordTV. In the week of September 28 to October 4, 2015, it became the fifth most watched program of the Brazilian television (being the second most-watched scripted show), with an average of 6,210,809 viewers per minute, taking into account a projection of 15 metropolitan areas.
Music producer and entrepreneur, Daniel Figueiredo is known as one of the most successful music score composers in Brazil. Daniel has written music scores for over 20 TV series broadcasted in over 150 countries, besides many films. Some of his successful telenovelas soundtracks are The Mutants: Pathways of the Heart, Opposite Lives, The Law and The Crime, Joseph from Egypt, The Promised Land and the great phenomenon, Moses and the Ten Commandments.
Daniel holds the record for the “greatest number of songs in simultaneous execution in a TV series”. Between February and November 2017, he had 794 songs played in a single TV series. As a songwriter, he participated as a composer/performer in over 16.000 recordings.
Daniel has already participated in many works with great international names in the music industry, various albums nominated for the Latin Grammy’s, among them “Fruto de Amor”, by Aline Barros, winner as the Best Christian Music Album and “Nosso Samba Tá na Rua”, by Beth Carvalho, winner in the category Best Samba Album.
The album “Surreal”, written and produced by Daniel and Roman Miroshnichenko, was nominated for the Latin Grammy in 2013. Daniel won the “Entertainment Professional Awards” in 2015 and 2016 as Best Music Producer and in 2018 also won the Musical Professional Awards. In 2020, the album “Leo Amuedo Plays Daniel Figueiredo” was nominated for the Latin Grammy’s as the Best Instrumental Album.
The film “Moses and The Ten Commandments” became the greatest audience of all time in Brazil, with over 11 million tickets sold. Daniel has also scored for American movies like Transmigration, Dangerous Methods, Mental Way, Prestigi, The Heartbreaker, Maneater and Battle for Saipan.
Daniel is co-founder and CEO of the companies MusicSolution, Up-Tracks, AudioXpression and the record label XpandMusic. He also endorses the brands: PRS Guitars (USA), PreSonus (USA), Blueberry (Canada), CME Pro (China), UVI (France), Wire Conex (Brazil), PiGuitars (Brazil) and Fractal Audio (USA).